Congratulations, Amberwing!
For over 50 years, The Association for Ambulatory Behavioral Healthcare has provided education, advocacy and support for Partial Hospitalization and Intensive Outpatient programs across the United States. This year, at the national conference in San Diego, CA, Amberwing, Center for Youth and Family Well-Being, was recognized as one of the five nominees chosen for the 2015 AABH Program of the Year Award.
The award nominees are selected for their tireless efforts to demonstrate the benefits and importance of quality partial hospitalization and intensive outpatient programming. Amberwing was honored among prestigious programs found across the country, from Columbia, South Carolina to Hartford, Connecticut. The unique combination of quality, compassionate mental health and substance abuse treatment provided by Essentia Health staff and philanthropic support from the Miller Dwan Foundation garnered attention and amazement from many at the conference.
With less than three years in operation, being selected as a nominee is an incredible accomplishment! Rick Gertsema, Clinical Supervisor at Amberwing, was on hand for the celebration and spoke at the conference as well. Amberwing is truly a unique and wonderful resource for the area and a model for others to follow. I am excited to see the continued accomplishments of Amberwing as we continue to strive to provide the best care and inspire hope and healing in our youth and families!

Clinical Supervisor, Rick Gertsema, stands with Joan Oswald and Traci Marciniak from the Miller Dwan Foundation, holding the certificate showing the Finalist for AABH’s Program of the Year award.